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This is Why Ramadhan is So Special for Muslim

30 Maret 2024   13:03 Diperbarui: 30 Maret 2024   13:14 218
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This is Why Ramadhan is So Special for Muslim

Blissful ramadhan kareem, good fellas. The month that always touches a special space in muslim’s soul.

As we know, the calculation of islamic calendar is due to the moon cycle or qamaar which is known as hijriyyah. Ramadhan is the ninth month in an islamic year and appears right before syawwaal, the month of victory. It is down deep touching the conscious and unconscious level of feeling for muslim that ramadhan is so important. Why is that so?

At first, Ramadhan is called the month of holy, the spiritual charger. The coming of this month is spiritually spreading peace and tranquil obedience to those welcoming it.

It is the time guaranteed for each prayer to be answered, and all requests to be fulfilled. The period where humans can actually see their true colors, because muslim believe that syaithaan are bound and those whispers are wiped away from our soul. It is the month when such tremendous energy is coming from the sky leading muslim to get back to the Almighty for thinking and making a move for aakhirat. Surprisingly, the steps of the feet in this month magically feels so light and easy.

Secondly, Ramadhan is the month of mindfulness, the magical reconnecting energy for each disconnected soul. The whole eight months before Ramadhan are often overlapped by dunya matters. Ambitions, greed, ego, and material stuff consume the biggest energy to deal with. Those make people forget their essential and mandatory duty in this life, which is to prepare themselves before entering the aakhirat. However, it disconnects the bonding between a creature to his Creator, Allah SWT, that makes them get far away lost and frustrated. 

Ramadhan is the month of grace. This is the time even for the dirtiest creature to bring their soul back on track to the Almighty. It is granted that no one will be rejected. Otherwise, forgiveness is raining in each second, to those who confess themselves their need to God. 

At last, Ramadhan is the time for mental and spiritual exercising. Muslim is trained to control themselves for dunya based needs. Therefore, fasting vibes, tarawih and quran recitation are such a daily mental sport that strengthen the muscle of spiritual connection. It teaches self control and consistency known as istiqaamah. Not only inner self growth, Ramadhan also teaches the beauty of spreading kindness to everyone. Here is granted the multiplication of rewards for acts of service. However, the existence and magical power of this month is devoted and can only be touching those whose souls are willing to amend.

Wallahu a’lam bisshawaab.

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