Suko Waspodo
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The Beautiful Night of Laylatul Qadar

1 April 2024   19:33 Diperbarui: 1 April 2024   19:35 255
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The Beautiful Night of Laylatul Qadar
Image: Adobe Stock

in the hush of night, when stars ignite
lies a treasure veiled in the velvet sky
Laylatul Qadar, a sight so bright
where dreams ascend and souls draw nigh

beneath the crescent moon's soft glow
the world is wrapped in a tranquil embrace
as whispers of prayers gently flow
and hearts are touched by divine grace.

in the silence, a sacred serenade
echoes through the realms of time
a night where destinies are weighed
and mercy descends like a sublime chime

the air is sweet with celestial perfume
as angels descend with wings unfurled
enveloping earth in a heavenly bloom
as secrets of the universe are unfurled

oh blessed night, in your embrace
the faithful find solace and reprieve
in the tapestry of stars, we trace
the path to eternity, where we believe

in the stillness of this blessed hour
lies the essence of peace profound
a bridge between mortal and divine power
where love and faith are forever bound

so let us seek this night divine
with hearts aglow and spirits bright
for in its depths, true blessings shine
on Laylatul Qadar, the beautiful night

Solo, Mon, 1st April 2024. 7:24 pm
Suko Waspodo

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